Wide-Angle View
RIBA London

Drinkall Dean were commissioned to design this exhibition, focusing on the Architectural Review’s landmark ‘Manplan’ project. These eight issues each explored the intersection of a socio-political subject with architecture, planning, and the built environment of the time. Interrogating topics such as education, industry and religion, the Manplan project put forward a radical critique of British society and the social responsibility of architecture, in photojournalistic form

The exhibition design draws both the raw realism of the photography, and the vivid surreality of the illustration and graphic design in the Manplan series. Stark scaffolding structures with large-scale hanging quotes provide a context and backdrop for both the framed photographs, objects and the large graphic prints set within 9 distinct sections.

Each issue in the Manplan series was intricately designed as if it was an object. Changing scales, contrasting colours, radical typography and layouts created an almost unsettling impact on the reader. The key driver for the design concept was to translate these pages into a three-dimensional experience.  




Clifford's Tower